Friday, March 12, 2010

God or as some people refer to Him as "My Gimme God"

First off let me say I'm not judging ANYONE, because I'm guilty of this. I just wasn't aware to what extent.. Until recently

Do you know anyone or are you ever guilty of: When God puts you where HE wants you, but it isn't exactly where YOU want to be and you keep asking Him to move you to where YOU believe you're suppose to be, or where YOU think you would be better used and He doesn't. You think "God doesn't really know what He's doing." So YOU move to where you really want to be or initiate circumstances around you to make it where you can or are forced to move to where YOU want to be. Because YOU think "God ought to know I would be better used here than where He has me."Then when it all falls apart you blame GOD, because He ought to have know you wouldn't have been happy and stopped you from moving yourself.. Never mind the FREE WILL He has so graciously given us, to screw up whenever necessary.

As I said at the beginning I'm guilty of this to some extent. Right now in my current circumstances with my job.. To stay put and wait, because I surely don't want to move before I'm suppose to.

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