Saturday, March 20, 2010

The more things change

I got to spend some time with a girl that I went to high school with, that I haven't seen in almost 25 years today.. She looks the same and she's just as happy as I remember her.. I know that her life has had a lot of ups and downs just like mine, but she seems to handled better than I have mine.. Of course I haven't watched her walk the road of faith that she has so I don't know the times she's either fallen off the path or fallen down and had to pull herself together and get back up and keep on walking.. I can't see the spiritual patches she's had to sew on her armor to keep her shield of faith together.. I haven't seen the battles she's had to fight either against a living and breathing adversary, or the battles within her own self. It reminds me of the song " The Warrior Is A Child," by Twila Paris.

That's why I never understand the people who when someone has fallen or isn't living up to their expectations thinks its their right to correct or judge, or try and put them back on the path that they think is holy and honorable. Not realizing that the battle to get back up is part of the strengthening of the faith process that God is needing them to go through..

I also have a problem with someone thinking that they're more holy and because they think that their more holy can sit in the judgement seat and say if your saved or living right or whatever.. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HAS GOTTEN THEM WHERE THEY'RE AT!!! You can say it's unconfessed sin or their running away from the will of God. BUT YOU DON'T KNOW!!

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