Saturday, May 9, 2009

Lessons Learned

If I've learned nothing else, it's to keep it simple. When it comes right down to the walking this thing out. It's always to come back to trusting God, and knowing no matter what, He knows what's best. It's a simple thing, but yet it holds so much.
It is also so easy to forget, especially when things of life are being thrown in front of our face on a constant basis. The overwhelming feeling of drowning in the circumstances that surround us. Since we can't really see what "good" this is doing us, to think that we're reaping what we've sown for some sort of lacking of faith in days past, or this is suppose to teach us something about dying to self.
When in all actuality it could be God trying to get us to trust Him with a part of our lives we've desperatly held on to for too long. Or we could be focusing on the circumstances that surround us instead of Him.
That is usually true in my case. I do more thinking than I do praying. When I'm faced with things. For some reason I think God can actually hear what I'm thinking, so He knows what's going on. Instead of of telling Him how I'm feeling or what I'm afraid of. I think that if Satan can get my thoughts off the truth of God, then the battle is won. I hope to get to the place where I can know right away when a thought enters my mind, if it's fear or faith.

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