Thursday, October 15, 2009

Got Me Thinking

Someone's blog I read today got me thinking.. If we are spiritual beings living in fleshly bodies, that means we have some sort of control on how much we let the fleshly and the spiritual part control us. Not that I'm saying we walk around in some sort of flower child denial that God knows what's going on in our immediate lives and either will do something about it or not, but that we choose how we react to the things that do happen day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute. Sometimes it comes down to the choices we make minute to minute that determine if we go forward. I know personally that I have to sometimes get control of my thoughts that way, in order to not wallow in self pity, or react emotionally to things that I know are emotional triggers for me. As you know if you've read any of my previous blog entries, usually concern my parents. A lot of people call it "self talk".
My personal belief is that Satan only knows what you speak.. He can't read your mind, only God can. If you agree or disagree that's a personal choice.

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