Saturday, October 17, 2009

Swift Kick/ Resting and Knowing

Have you ever had someone in your life that you just want to go up to and give a swift kick and say, "What is the matter with you??" Have you ever been that very person? I have.. I have had times in my life where I've rolled things around in my head, sometimes for days. Then somehow I would get the answer, and it was usually a simple answer. I had just let the noise of my thoughts get too loud for the "quiet" answer to get through. Then I would say to myself "What's wrong with you??"
Sometimes it was the Holy Spirit trying to tell me something new, but most of the time it was a case of I knew the answer all the time, because I had been there in some form or fashion before. I just was looking at the problem, instead of looking for the answer.
Here lately it's been that I have been over thinking things, instead of just resting in the peace of God. Doing what I know to do, until He tells me something else to do. Even if I don't particularly like what I'm doing at the time. If He hasn't told me to move, I stay put. That is where I fight most of my battles. Learning how to just do what I know I'm suppose to be doing, and not looking to the right or left, but keep my focus on Him.

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